Thursday 17 November 2011

Citrus Crop Last Quarter of 2011
Ripe oranges at a farm in Moruga
Plenty rains earlier this year have led to a reduced production of citrus....intense dry periods followed by rain leads to flower burst and heavier citrus production; assuming of course that crop nutrition, pests and diseases are not the limiting factors. Oranges are selling in some markets at 3 for $10.00...small and not particularly ripe.

The reduced bearing of oranges this year and high price at the market have increased the praedial larceny pressure on citrus estates. From a 6 acre citrus estate in Sangre Grande, one farmer got only 12 oranges last weekend.

Later we will explore some early attempts to control theft on several citrus estates in Trinidad. Below are two photos of large citrus farms in central Trinidad.


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