Thursday 17 November 2011

Greenhouse Technology

Many people are interested in using greenhouse technology to produce high value vegetable crops. However, a drive around the farming communities and discussion with several greenhouse owners will reveal some interesting but disturbing issues. Many of them have used the wrong type of greenhouse design which led to increased cost of production.....poor technical advise from the Extension Services and the Agricultural Development Bank were often cited as the main cause of the farmers dilemma. Look at the short video below to see some of what our Jamaican bredrens are lower cost than the average greenhouse farmer in T&T and with better production.


  1. Interesting...can we get details, re: suppliers of chemical formulations for various greenhouse crops and costs (by size) of sheds.

    I know there are companies, eg. Caribbean Chemicals who are providing this service, but if the Jamaicans are cheaper, can we source a supplier.

  2. I know a considerable investment in agriculture gives one a sense of food security. I believe that infrastructure development should parallel this reinvigourating move. Some examples include refridgeration, food processing, and a fair (some sites) guaranteed price. Maybe a target on production, to encourage diverse farming. Just a few ideas.

  3. data on construction costs and production costs and yields versus regular field agriculture would be useful
    David Shim


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